The Priestly Fraternity of Saint Dominic
Province of St. Albert the Great · USA
Diocesan Priests Following the Way of Saint Dominic in the Order of Preachers
Incense for Church Use
Church Use Incense Below | Church Use Charcoal Here | Essence for the Sacred Chrism Here
N.B. In alphabetical order by brand/manufacturer.
Adoration Brand Incense by Kaufer Co. (link)
—Roma Incense
—Monastery Blanc Incense
—Vita Mundi Incense
Agnus Dei Incense (link 1 / link 2)
—Heavenscent Incense
—Salomo Incense
—Gianna Incense
—Stryax Incense
—Pontifikal Incense
—Fides et Spes et Caritas Incense
—Jasmine Incense
—Rose Incense
—Marian Incense
—Gloria Incense
—Gold/Myrrh Incense
—Alma Mater Incense
—House Blessing Incense
—Natural Incense
—Oman Incense
—Sheen Incense
—Paradise Incense
—Cypress Incense
—John Paul II Incense
Alton Abbey Incense (Manufacturer link / USA Sales link)
—Madonna Incense
—Festival Incense
—Rosa Mystica Incense
—Special Incense
—St. Martin De Porres Incense
Apostolic Incense by Autom (link)
—Mylapore Incense
—Jerusalem Incense
—Rome Incense
—Antioch Incense
—Armenia Incense
—Byzantium Incense
—Patmos Incense
—Seraphim Incense
—Gift of the Magi Incense
—Adoration Incense
—Myrrh Incense
Ardentia Gli Incense (link)
—Beyo Incense (Frankincense)
—Christe Blend Incense
—Domine Deus Blend Incense
—Messer Incense (Sudanese Frankincense)
—Mirra Incense (Myrrh)
—Spiritus Blend Incense
Biretta Books/Canons Regular of St. John Cantius (link)
—Cantian Blend Incense
Cathedral Candle Company Incense (link)
—Common Frankincense
—Roman Incense
—Jerusalem Incense
​—Three Kings (Petrus) Blend #3 Incense (reseller)
—Three Kings Pontifical Blend #19 Incense (reseller)
Christ Church New Haven (link)
—Angelus Frankincese
CM Almy (link)
—Benedicite Granular Incense
—Revelation Powder Incense
Ekklesía Greek Incense by Cathedral Candle Company (link)
—Rose Incense
—Myrrh Incense
Emkay Incense by Muench-Kreuzer Candle Co.
—Maximus Incense
—Abbey Incense
—Jerusalem Incense
—Special Emkay Incense
Gloria Incense (link)
—F-8: Cathedral Blend Incense
—P: Powder Blend Incense
—PR-3: Prayer Blend Incense
Graziani Incense (link 1 / link 2)
—Frankincense Sifting
—Frankincense Peasize
—Frankincense White Drop
—Frankincense Eleison
—Frankincense Olix Tablets
—Gloria Blend Incense
—Matthaeus Ad Sapientiam Blend Incense
—Marcus Ad Purificationem Blend Incense
—Lucas Ad Laetitiam Blend Incense
—Iohannes Ad Meditationem Blend Incense
—Amos Blend Incense
Greek Incense by Graziani (link 1 / link 2)
—Rose Incense
—Jasmine Incense
—Lemon Incense
—Pine Incense
—Magnolia Incense
—Carnation Incense
—Lavender Incense
—Orchid Incense
—Cinnamon Incense
Hayes & Finch Incense (link 1 / link 2)
—Vatican Incense
—Gums of Arabia Incense
Holyart Incense (link)
—Over 200 types of incense from various makers.
Holy Cross Incense by Holy Cross Monastery (link)
—Bethlehem Rose Incense
—Blachernae Rose Incense
—Burning Bush Incense
—Byzantium Incense
—Cassia Incense
—Catacombs Incense
—Constantinople Incense
—Damask Rose Incense
—English Rose Incense
—Ethiopian Frankincense
—Evergreen & Embers Incense
—Flowers of Cyprus Incense
—Frankincense & Myrrh Incense
—Garden of Gethsemane Incense
—High Grade Myrrh Resin Incense
—High Quality Red Hojari Frankincense
—Honeysuckle Incense
—Hyssop Incense
—Iveron Incense
—Jasmine Incense
—Jerusalem Incense
—Kursk Incense
—Lavender Wood Incense
—Lily of Aegina Incense
—Lindisfarne Incense
—Myrrh Incense
—Nazareth Incense
—Old Chruch Incense
—Orange Blossom Incense
—Premium White Hojari Frankincense
—Rose Incense
—Royal Green Hojari Frankincense
—Somalian Frankincense
—Superior Hojari Frankincense
—Svir Incense
Holy Land Incense sold by The Jerusalem Gift Shop (link)
—Amber Incense
—Frankincense (Pure)
—Frankincense & Jasmine Incense
—Frankincense & Rose Incense
—Gold Holy Land Flowers Incense
—Jasmine Incense
—Lemon Tree Incense
—Lily of the Valley Incense
—Musk Incense
—Myrrh Incense
—Myrrh Nard Incense
—Nard Incense
—Nazareth Flowers Incense
—Rose of Sharon Incense
Holy Rood Guild Incense by St. Joseph's Abbey (link)
—Cantica Incense
—Laudate Incense
Istok Church Supplies Corp. Incense (link)
—Olibanum Frankincense
—Holy Vine Incense
—Lavender Incense
—Lilac Incense
—Mt. Athos Incense
—Night Flower Incense
—Rose Incense
—Amber Incense
—Bethlehem Incense
—Black Rose Incense
—Byzantine Incense
—Cathedral Incense
—Czar's Incense
—Desert Flower Incense
—Holy Night Incense
—Muscat Incense
—Myrrh Incense
—Athonite Rose Incense
—Cherubic Incense
—Galilee Incense
—Gardenia Incense
—Jasmine Incense
—Jerusalem Incense
—Iveron Incense
—Lilly Incense
—Monastery Bouquet Incense
—Nativity Incense
—Nazareth Incense
—Paschal Incense
—Resurrection Incense
—Serbia Incense
—Sinai Incense
—Tabor Incense
—Violet Incense
Koleys, Inc. Incense (link)
—Church Incense
Legacy Icons Incense (link)
—Annunciation Incense
—Before the Fall Incense
—Behold the Dawn Incense
—Byzantine Incense
—Carnation Incense
—Cinnamon Incense
—Damar Incense
—Desert Gold Frankincense
—Desert Journey Incense
—Ethiopian Oasis Incense
—Fern Incense
—Forest Flowers Incense
—Gold Incense
—Golden Amber Incense
—Heavenly Meadow Incense
—Hibernia Incense
—Hidden Vanilla Incense
—Holy Cross Incense
—Holy Myrrhbearers Incense
—Honeysuckle Incense
—House Blessing Incense
—Incense of Mary Magdalene (Nard) Incense
—Inner Court Incense
—Isle Grove Incense
—Jasmine Incense
—Ladder of Divine Ascent Incense
—Lavender Incense
—Mediterranean Garden Incense
—Middle East Clove Incense
—Moscow Incense
—Mount Athos Harvest Incense
—Northern Africa Frankincense
—Our Lady of Perpetual Help Incense
—Pine Incense
—Premium Myrrh Incense
—Protection of the Theotokos Incense
—Saint Basil Incense
—Saint George Incense
—Saint John Chrysostom Incense
—Saint Michael Incense
—Saint Nicholas Incense
—Saint Patrick Incense
—Saint Seraphim Pine Resin Incense
—Saint Thomas Incense
—Saints of North America Incense
—Secret Garden Incense
—Silver Incense
—Star of Bethlehem Incense
—Synaxis of the Angels Incense
—Theophany Incense
—Three Magi Frankincense
—Tropical Copal Incense
—Valaam Incense
—Violet Incense
—Violet Athonite Incense
—Virgin Mary Incense
Majesty Incense by Will & Baumer (link)
—Gloria Incense
—Three Kings Blend Incense
—Celtic Blend
—Frankincense & Myrrh Incense
—Myrrh Incense
—Gardenia Incense
—Jerusalem Incense
—Rose Garden Incense
—St. Jude/Forest Blend Incense
—Sacred Heart/Floral Blend Incense
—Marian/Powder Blend Incense
Monastery Incense (link)
—Byzantine Rose Incense
—Lily of the Valley Incense
—Pure Frankincense
—Queen of Heaven Incense
—Archangel Michael Incense
—Rose Geranium Incense
—Damascus Rose Incense
—Damascus Rose Supreme Incense
—Sweet Myrrh Incense
—Byzantine Blend Incense
—Cedars of Lebanon Incense
—Virgin Mary's Bouquet Incense
—Russian Gardenia Incense
—Sweet Balsam
Mt. Athos Incense by Orthodox Incense (link)
—Arabian Jasmine Incense
—Athos Incense
—Batiushka Incense
—Bethlehem Incense
—Bulgarian Rose Incense
—Byzantium Incense
—Cherubim Incense
—Cinnamon Incense
—Cyprus Incense
—Desert Flower Incense
—Egyptian Amber Incense
—Gardenia Incense
—Kodiak Island Incense
—Lemon Flower Incense
—Lilac Incense
—Lily of the Valley Incense
—Sandalwood Incense
—Seraphim Incense
—Spikenard (Nardos) Incense
—Strawberry Incense
—Thebaid Desert Incense
—Theotokos Incense
—Violet Incense
—Wild Rose Incense
—Wildflower Incense
Mucknell Abbey Incense (Manufacturer link / USA Sales link)
—Glastonbury Incense
—Valle Crucis Incense
—Sherborne Incense
—Malmesbury Incense
—Rievaulx Incense
—Evesham Incense
Nativity Brand Incense by Kaufer Co. (link)
—Benedictine Incense
—Holy Night Incense
—Jerusalem Incense
—Natural Frankincense
—Russian Lump Incense
—Frankincense & Myrrh Incense
—French Incense
—Myrrh Incense
—Oriental Incense
Natural Incense from Ethiopia (link)
—Pure Frankincense
—Raspberry Incense
—Honeysuckle Incense
—Jasmine Incense
—Amber Incense
—Myrrh Incense
—Nard Incense
—Rose Incense
Negev Desert Incense (link)
—Ashkelon Incense
—Avraham Incense
—Kadesh Barnea Incense
Norbertine Canonesses Incense (link)
—Dominica Incense
—Festum Beatæ Mariæ Virginis Incense
—Festum Domini Incense
—Festum Praemonstratense Incense
—Quadragesima Incense
—Tempus Paschale Incense
—Tempus Passionis Incense
Prinknash Abbey Incense (Manufactuer link / USA Sales link)
—Sanctuary Incense
—Abbey Incense
—Cathedral Incense
—Basilica Incense
—Priory Pure Frankincense
—St. Michael Incense
—Gums of Arabia Incense
—Vatican Incense
Pure Frankincense & Myrrh by Orthodox Incense (link)
—Ethiopian Frankincense
—Maydi Frankincense
—Myrrh Resin Incense
—Olibanum Frankincense
—Somalian Frankincense
Resin Incense by Graziani (link 1 / link 2)
—Aloe Vera Resin Incense
—Sumatra Benzoin Resin Incense
—Damar Resin Incense
—Elemi Resin Incense
—Greek Mastic Resin Incense
—Menthol Resin Incense
—Myrrh Resin Incense
—Opoponax (Sweet Myrrh) Resin Incense
—Black Styrax Resin Incense
Reverentia Incense (Manufacturer link / USA Sales link)
—Adoremus Incense (Frankincense)
—Benediction Incense
—Choir of Angels Incense
—Divina Essentia Incense
—Magisterium Incense
—Spiritus Incense
Shoyeido (Manufacturer and USA Sales link)
—Low Smoke Incense (sandalwood, cinnamon, patchouli and spices)
—Lotus Leaf Incense (sandalwood, clove, cinnamon, and spices)
—Satori Incense (agarwood, sandalwood, clove, patchouli, and spices)
—Prayer Incense (agarwood, sandalwood, clove and patchouli)
—Offering Incense (agarwood, sandalwood, clove, and camphor)
—Imperial Incense (agarwood, sandalwood, clove, camphor, and spices)
—Eternal Life Incense (agarwood, sandalwood, clove, camphor, and spices)
—Purple Cloud Incense (agarwood, sandalwood, clove, camphor, and spices)
—Rapture Incense (agarwood, sandalwood, clove, camphor, and spices)
Three Kings/René Schönefeld Incense (link)
—Mechior Blend #1
—Farao Blend #2
—Petrus Blend #3
—Devotion Blend #4
—Rafaël Blend #5
—Powder Blend #6
—Arabique Bright Blend #7
—Eden Blend #8
—Dominus Blend #9
—Balthasar Blend #10
—Romulus Blend #11
—Solomon Blend #12
—David Blend #14
—Vatican Blend #15
—Palestine Blend #16
—Gloria Bright #17
—Arabique Dark #18
—Pontifical Blend #19
—Angelus Blend #20
—Casper Blend #21
—Cathedral Blend #22
—Basilica Blend #23
—Silver Blend #30
—Gold Blend #31
—Red Blend #32
—Yellow Blend #33
—Green Blend #34
—Black Blend #35
—Blue Blend #36
—Eritrea Extra Fine #40
—Eritrea Siftings #41
—Eritrea Peasize #42
—Aden Siftings #43
—Aden Peasize #44
—Benzoë Sumatra Siftings #45
—Benzoë Sumatra Peasize #46
—Benzoë Siam #47
—Myrrhe Siftings #48
—Myrrhe Peasize #49
—Styrax Powder #50
—Styrax Grandulate #51
—Dammar #52
—Copal #53
—Mastix Tears #54
—Sandalwood Powder #55
—Sandalwood Splinters #56
—Amber #57
—Elemi #58
Trappist Incense (USA Sales link)
—Abbatical Incense
—Benediction Incense
—Melleray Incense
Trinity Brand Incense (USA Sales link)
—Floral Blend Incense
—Forest Blend Incense
—Powder Blend Incense
—Ethiopian Myrrh Incense
—Ethiopian/Somalian Frankincense
United States Athonite Style Incense by Orthodox Incense (link)
—Amber Incense
—Bethlehem Rose Incense
—Burning Bush Incense
—Byzantium Incense
—Cassia Incense
—Catacombs Incense (review)
—English Rose Incense
—Evergreen Incense (review)
—Flowers of Cyprus Incense
—Garden of Gethsemane Incense
—Holy Apostles Incense
—Honeysuckle Incense
—Hyssop Incense
—Iveron Incense
—Jasmine Incense
—Jerusalem Incense
—Kursk Incense
—Lavender Wood Incense
—Lily of Aegina Incense
—Lindisfarne Incense
—Myrrh Incense
—Nazareth Incense
—Old Church Incense
—Panagia Incense
—Rose Incense
—Russian Rose Incense
—Sunrise of the East Incense
—Svir Incense
Vaticanum Incense (link)
—Over 90 types of incense from various makers.
Will & Baumer Incense (link)
—Pontifical Incense
—French Incense
William Mentz Incense (link)
—Alderwood Chrism Incense
—Sandalwood Rose Incense
—Magi Blend Incense (Frankincense and Myrrh)
A recipe from a Benedictine Camaldolese monk (Brother Mark's Blend):
12 parts Pontifical Incense (Will & Baumer)
3 parts Roman Incense (Cathedral Candle Co.)
3 parts Basilica Incense (Prinknash Abbey)
3 parts Abbey Incense (Prinknash Abbey)
2 parts Frankincense (Cathedral Candle Co. or any pure frankincense)
A recipe from a parish sacristan (Immaculate Conception Blend):
1 part Byzantine Incense (Monastery Incense)
1 part Jerusalem Incense (Monastery Incense or Cathedral Candle Co.)
1 part Frankincense (any pure frankincense)
1 part Sweet Myrrh Incense (Monastery Incense or any opoponax (sweet myrrh) incense)
Charcoal for Church Incense
N.B. In alphabetical order by brand/manufacturer. Only round-shaped charcoal is listed.
—Charcoal for incense use is virtually the same as charcoal for shisha (hookah). This is objectively factual.
—USA sales links are provided for convenience only. The same products may be purchased elsewhere, possibly at lower prices.
Al Fakher Trading
—Quick Lighting Charcoal (33mm or 40mm) — Discontinued as of April 2020
Belgian Charcoal Company (Manufacturer link)
—Instant-Lite Charcoal (Red Box, 33mm)
—Instant-Lite Charcoal (Black Box, 40mm)
—Instant-Lite Charcoal (Blue Box, 50mm)
Carbopol (Manufacturer link / USA Sales link and link)
—Quick Lighting Charcoal (28mm or 35mm or 40mm)
—Ring Charcoal (38mm)
Charcoblaze (Manufacturer link / USA Sales link)
—Quick-Lighting Coconut Charcoal
Char-Lite Products, Inc. (Manufacturer link / USA Sales link)
—Self-Lite Charcoal (44mm)
Coco Nara (Manufacturer link / USA Sales link)
—Quicklight Coals (33mm or 40mm)
Crown of Carbopol (Manufacturer link / USA Sales link)
—Quick-Light Charcoal (40mm)
Graziani (Manufacturer link / USA Sales link)
—Immediate Ignition (Black Box) Charcoal
—Long Burning (Green Box) Charcoal
—Extra-Long Burning (Red Box) Charcoal
Ignite Charcoal (USA Sales link)
—Quick-Light Charcoal (33mm or 40 mm)
Legacy Icons Charcoal (USA Sales link)
—Panagiotis Nioras Charcoal (22mm or 35mm)
—Theosynergia Premium Charcoal (25mm or 35mm)
Monastery Charcoal sold by Monastery Greetings (USA Sales link)
—English Abbey Charcoal (32mm) — Unavailable as of April 2020
—Greek Charcoal (19mm)
—Trappist Charcoal (35mm)
Orthodox Incense
—Charcoal Powder — Unavailable as of April 2020
Pharaoh's Charcoal (Manufacturer link / USA Sales link)
—Quick Light Charcoal (33mm or 38mm or 40mm)
Prinknash Abbey (Manufacturer link / USA Sales link or link)
—Quick Lighting Charcoal
Shoyeido (Manufacturer and USA Sales link)
—Square Charcoal Type A (1" long × 1/2" wide)
—Square Charcoal Type B (1" long × 1" wide)
—Cylinder Charcoal (3/4" tall × 3/4" wide)
Starbuzz Charcoal (Manufacturer link / USA Sales link)
—Coconut Shell Instant Light (35mm or 40mm)
Starlight Charcoal (Manufacturer link / USA Sales link)
—Instant Light (33mm or 40mm)
Super Star sold by The Jerusalem Gift Shop (USA Sales link 1 / link 2)
—Super Star Charcoal (38mm)
Three Kings/René Schönefeld (Manufacturer link / USA Sales link)
—Quick Light Charcoal (33mm or 40mm)
—Coconut Charcoal (33mm)
Will & Baumer (Manufacturer link / USA Sales link 1 and link 2)
—Kwik-Lite Charcoal (38mm)
—De-Lites Charcoal (33mm or 40 mm)
—Swift-Lite Charcoal (31mm) — Unavailable as of April 2020
Essence for the Sacred Chrism
N.B. In alphabetical order by brand/manufacturer.
The Holy Rood Guild recommends adding 16 fl oz of their essence to 3 gallons of olive oil (1:24). Others add twice that.
Bulk Apothecary (link 1 / link 2 / link 3 / link 4 / link 5)
—Peru Balsam Oil (Myroxylon pereira)
—Fir Needle Balsam Oil (Abies balsamea)
—Copaiba Balsam Oil (Copaifera officinalis)
—Myrrh Oil (Commiphora myrrha)
—Frankincense Oil (Boswellia Serrata)
—Peru Balsam Oil
—Tolu Balsam Oil
—Honduras Styrax Gum
Holy Rood Guild by St. Joseph's Abbey (link)
—Laudate Chrism Essence
New Directions Aromatics (link 1 / link 2 / link 3 / link 4 /link 5)
—Copaiba Balsam Oil (Copaifera officinalis)
—Fir Needle Balsam Oil (Abies balsamea)
—Frankincense Oil (Boswellia Serrata)
—Myrrh Oil (Commiphora myrrha)
—Spikenard Oil (Nardostachys jatamansi)
Tonini Church Supply Co. (1 fl oz bottle link / 3.3 fl oz bottle link)
—Fir Needle Balsam Oil (Abies balsamea)
A Recipe Loosely Based on Exodus 30:22–25:
2 parts Myrrh Oil (link)
2 parts Cassia Oil (link)
1 part Cinnamon Leaf Oil (link)
1 part Calamus Root Oil (link) or 1 part Palmarosa Oil (link)
Add to olive oil at a rate of one's own preference.
N.B. The information contained on this webpage is provided only as general information, which may be incomplete or outdated. Users of this webpage are responsible for independently verifying any and all information. The inclusion of links from this site does not imply endorsement or support of any of the linked information, services, products, or providers. We do not sell or distribute any of the products listed. USA sales links are provided for the sake of convenience only and users are encouraged to research all available sellers of any product listed. Products may be available from a variety of sellers at varying prices, including lower prices.